Monday, May 3, 2010

Solution To Save Lives

There are many ways the world could go about ending human trafficking but one country can not do it alone. It is safe to say that poverty in certain countries causes high numbers of human trafficking and makes it harder for that government to put an end to it. Some of the countries experiencing sex trafficking also have corrupt governments who most likely don't place ending sex trafficking at the top of their to do list. There needs to be a worldwide global committee put into place from every country dealing with this problem to create a union to stop this issue. A tighter policy should be put into place and have organizations that can deal with the problem face to face such as undercover cops or agents. If each country were to have a specialized organization and team to combat the problem, I think there is a chance.

Sex trafficking is an inhumane act that deprives women and children of their natural born right while taking away their womenhood and confidence of ever leading a normal life again. No women or child should be forced into an act against their will while being harmed in the process. Though ending sex trafficking seems like a hard task at end, I believe that a global union coming together to end a serious crime is possible eventually. Putting yourself in a sex trafficking victim could change one's entire view on the importance of the matter.

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