Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Human Sex Trafficking, Slavery Reborn

Slavery is no longer a thing of the past, in fact it occurs in more forms and more often today than ever before in the history. Human sex trafficking is the luring, tricking, or force of predominantly women and children into prostitution and abuse by a trafficker for a profit. Cases for this crime are happening wordwide everyday in immense amounts of numbers. The FBI estimated that for just the United States alone there are well over 100,000 young teen girls being sex trafficked and unable to get out of the slave trade each year. Sex trafficking is a serious violation of the law worldwide, but yet it stilll manages to takes place everyday in large numbers. The United States 13th amendment added to the Constitution declared that slavery was abolished. Yet, slavery still occurs more than ever before. Not just the United States is to be blamed though, many countries do little to end it or even put together a law. This just goes to show that countries federal officials and organizations are not doing their absolutely best with their power to end a soul depriving crime. Countries that are more impoverished and deficient of a stable government hold larger numbers of sex trafficking cases each year. I honestly believe that some corrupt country's rulers and officials feel sex trafficking is tolerable and helps boost the countries economy in some sick way. The picture seen above highlights the pain and loss a women of India feels from losing her daughter to traffickers in the sex slave trade. The women and children who are tricked, kidnapped, or sold by their own parents into the sex trafficking world are forced into prostitution and often beaten if escaping crosses their mind. These helpless women and young children hold nothing but fear and a life of unwilling servitude so that a cruel and heartless trafficker may receive a pay. Do countries not realize that sex trafficking is an unmoral act and deprives innocent women and children of their natural born rights? It would seem that. Each citizen or rulers, who have not lost a family member or child to the sex slave trade should imagine one of their own family members being kidnapped into a trade of prostitution and maltreatment. Women and children who are trafficked into the bondage, can be forced to become prostitutes, part of brothels, pornography, stripping, mail-order brides, or a numerous number of other things.

If you or anyone you know is caught in a traffickers hold or have been put through this traumatic experience, you can visit this site or call the number given below.
OR call 1.888.3737.888.

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